Friday, 18 October 2019

Transatlantic MW DX: WLS 890 kHz Chicago copied in Oxford UK with ID

Transatlantic MW DX: WEEI 850 kHz, Boston Sports News copied in Oxford U...

Transatlantic MW DX: WOR 710 kHz, New York copied in Oxford UK with ID

Transatlantic MW DX: WRKO 680 kHz, Boston copied in Oxford UK with ID

Transatlantic MW DX: 'The Fan' WFAN 660 kHz New York, copied in Oxford ...

BBC Radio 4 198 kHz Longwave closing down on my Binatone Worldstar

DXing from Houston: K5PGW Louisiana closing the Gulf Coast Single Sideba...

DXing from Houston: Radio New Zealand International 13840 kHz

Saturday, 6 April 2019

DXpedition Asilomar: Radio Nikkei 1, 6055 kHz Chiba-Nagara, Japan - rare...

DXpedition Asilomar: WWV & WWVH 2500 kHz; Tecsun PL-880 & Bonito MegaLoo...

DXpedition Asilomar: WWV & WWVH 2500 kHz; Tecsun PL-880 & Bonito MegaLoo...

DXpedition Asilomar: WWV & WWVH 5000 kHz; Tecsun PL-880 & Bonito MegaLoo...

Coming in to land at San Francisco International Airport

Coming in to land at San Francisco International Airport

A view of the hills, south of Los Gatos, en route to my temporary QTH at...

Prepping for DXpedition to California: SDRPlay RSP DUO, Tecsun PL-880 & ...

Monday, 11 February 2019

My 1974 Sony ICF-5500M/ Captain 55 still working but suffering from corr...

GridTracker v1.19.0112 & WSJT-X v2.0.0 in operation with FT-8 RX and TX

JRC NRD-525 versus Icom IC-R75: weak daylight signal from Trenton VOLMET...

Icom IC-R75: daylight signal from Trenton VOLMET Canada 15034 kHz USB

Comparing the JRC NRD-525 & Icom IC-R75: weak daylight signal from Shann...

MW DX: Radio Capital 1470 kHz Lima, Peru, first reception in Oxford UK

MW DX: ZYH588 Rádio Uirapurú 760 kHz, Fortaleza, Brazil, copied in the UK

Comparing the JRC NRD-525 & Icom IC-R75: Shannon VOLMET 5505 kHz

MW DX: China National Radio 1377 kHz copied on JRC NRD-525 & Icom IC-R75

Medium wave DX: typical music from WFME 1560 kHz New York, copied in Oxf...

MW DX: WFED 1500 kHz Washington D.C. first copy at my QTH in 2019

MW DX: Radio Gotel Yola 917 kHz Nigeria, copied in Oxford, UK

First sighting of carrier from Radio Madagasikara 5009.935 kHz, copied i...

First UK copy of audio from Radio Congo 6115 kHz Brazzaville in nearly t...

Medium wave DX: China National Radio 1377 kHz copied in Oxford UK

First sighting of Radio Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial (Radio Bata) carri...

Pleasing signal from 'difficult' Radio Aparecida 6135.128 kHz, Brazil, c...

Happy New Year! A quick review of 2018 & what's coming in 2019 on Oxford...

30 years of Sony portable shortwave receivers - a review of my collection

Longwave scan on Boxing Day night, complete with Iceland, Radio Montecar...

Longwave: DR Langbølge 243 kHz, Kalundborg, Denmark; superb interval sig...