Hi there, here's a pretty strong signal from North Korea, as copied from my 5th floor hotel room terrace, using the brilliant Bonito NTi MegaLoop FX magnetic loop antenna. There's a little bit of noise present in the recovered audio, but otherwise what a nice signal copied from such a noisy location. I love the fact that these Bonito antennas are totally portable - and perform really well. At 00:44 seconds into the video I pull the plug on the Sony, leaving it just on the telescopic - nothing is heard of course...just goes to show a really good antenna makes all the difference!
Recorded on 04/07/18 at 18:45 hrs UTC using a Sony ICF-SW7600G receiver. Thanks for watching.
Recorded on 04/07/18 at 18:45 hrs UTC using a Sony ICF-SW7600G receiver. Thanks for watching.
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