Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Decoding the weather from DDK2 DWD Pinneberg RTTY using Elad FDM DUO & M...

Hi there, this is the first time I've used MultiPSK but after a bit of fiddling around I managed to decode weather data from the relatively strong DDK DWD Pinneberg signal on 10100.80 kHz.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 25/09/17 at
09:56 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop outdoors. Thanks for watching.

MW DX: summertime signal from Tropical del 1480, Fajardo, Puerto Rico

Hi there, this is a welcome PF for me. Depite the understandably weak signal, hindered by significant adjacent QRM, I strongly suspected this was Puerto Rico. However, it took the highly trained ears of Matthias to confirm, so thanks to him. Once again, the Elad and Wellbrook combine to deliver a brilliant result.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 20/09/17 at
04:57 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

2. Emisoras Pio XII 5952.4 kHz, Boliva, outdoor reception in Oxford UK

Hi there, in comparison to my previous video, here is typical outdoor reception in the woods, with both the Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop and the Bonito MegActive USB-powered MA305 antenna. Both of these outdoor set-ups provide far stronger and clearer reception, for a fraction of the cost.

The video starts with this signal from Bolivia using the Wellbrook ALA1530. Fast-forward 46 seconds for the reception using using the Bonito MegActive MA305 by clicking here

Recorded in Oxford UK on 30/07/17 at
00:20 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

Pushing the Elad FDM DUO to the limit...Rádio Evangelizar 11934.9 kHz, f...

Hi there, this is the first time I've caught Rádio Evangelizar (formerly Radio RB2) at home in the shack, on this frequency. This really is pushing the capabilities of the Elad and Wellbrook ALA1530 to the absolute limit - negotiating the local QRM whilst detecting a weak signal and delivering some audio. Quite remarkable really.

I suppose it further reinforces the argument that DXpeditions with far more modest equipment deliver much better DX results.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 18/09/17 at
21:20 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna, outdoors. Thanks for watching.

1. Emisoras Pio XII 5952.43 kHz, Bolivia, indoor reception in Oxford, UK

Hi there, here is a recent indoor reception of Emisoras Pio XII, recorded on 21/09/17 in Oxford at 02:21 hrs UTC. This is typical of a very good indoor signal - quite rare. Compare this with the next video which is a typical signal on a DXpedition. Bear in mind my indoor equipment cost more than 4 times as much as an outdoor set-up!

Recorded using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna - in the garden shed lol. Thanks for watching.

LW DX: RÚV Rás 1/Rás 2, Eiðar, Iceland 207 kHz, copied with Wellbrook AL...

Hi there, a really nice signal from Iceland on their TX frequency just above BBC Radio 4 (or the World Service at this time of night).

The video starts with the LW signal from Iceland using the Wellbrook ALA1530. Fast-forward 46 seconds for the reception using using the Bonito MegActive MA305 by clicking here

Recorded in Oxford UK on 30/07/17 at
00:44 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

Alcaravan Radio 5910 kHz Colombia, only my second reception at home this...

Hi there, reception of Alcaravan Radio at home under the electrosmog is a very rare occurence - on average I hear faint modulation two or three times a year. This is only my second copy this year. A weak signal at the best of times, it's quite incredible that the Elad and Wellbrook manage to deliver any recovered audio. Best listened to through headphones my friends.#

Recorded in Oxford UK on 11/09/17 at
03:07 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Friday, 22 September 2017

MW DX: summertime signal from Harbour Light of the Windwards 1400 kHz, C...

Hi there, the last time I copied this station was 1st of March 2016, so really great to hear them again this morning. At a distance of 6890 km, this was a great performance from the Elad and Wellbrook combo.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 20/09/17 at
01:42 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna. Thanks for watching.

Medium wave DX: summertime signal from Radio Buenos Aires 1350 kHz, Arge...

Hi there, only the third time I've caught this station and pleasing to do so this time with a clear ID - at 02:10

Recorded in Oxford UK on 18/09/17 at
01:58 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

First reception of Radio Thailand on the 16 metre broadcast band; strong...

Hi there, this is the first time I've copied anything on the 16 metre BC band for quite a while, so it was nice to hear Radio Thailand until shut down at 11:00 hrs UTC.

Once again, the Sony and compact Bonito antenna produce a very nice result.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 10/09/17 at
10:56 hrs UTC using a Sony ICF-2001D receiver and a Bonito Boni Whip antenna. Thanks for watching.

HCJB Reach Beyond Australia 15400 kHz: signal targeted at Japan, copied...

Hi there, here is a weak signal from Reach Beyond Australia, transmitted at an azimuth of 5 degrees, thus directed towards the intended target - Japan - and subsequently over the North Pole.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 10/09/17 at
11:16 hrs UTC using a Sony ICF-2001D receiver and a Bonito Boni Whip antenna. Thanks for watching.

Probably my best ever signal from Radio Hargeysa 7120 kHz Somaliland, wi...

Hi there, in my humble opinion, this is a stonking signal from Radio Hargeysa. Mostly a faint mumble on my SDR at home, here they are almost booming outdoors, with the wide filter on the Sony via the excellent Bonito Boni Whip antenna. The usual adjacent QRM is present, but I couldn't resist using the wide filter for this reception. This is what I love about DXing....hearing something new...or better than ever previously!

The ID can be heard at

Recorded in Oxford UK on 29/08/17 at
20:59 hrs UTC using a Sony ICF-2001D and Bonito Boni Whip antenna. Thanks for watching.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Medium wave DX: summertime signal from YVKS RCR 750 Radio Caracas 750 kH...

Hi there, I copied this station for the first time in many months, just over a week ago. A week later, I copied it again with an even stronger signal, which stuck around for nearly three minutes before eventually fading away. Interesting that there was zero North American DX on MW that night - or since. Propagation obviously favoured South America once again. Anyway, very pleasing to catch them again.

Recorded on Oxford UK on 14/09/17 at
00:55 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Live phone-in, in English, on Radio Guinée! 9650 kHz, Conakry, copied i...

Hi there, so here's something I've not copied previously - English programming on Radio Guinée and a live phone-in at that! A very nice signal with the Sony and Bonito antenna - and all set up in about 1 minute!

Recorded in Oxford UK on 29/08/17 at
18:49 hrs UTC using a Sony ICF-2001D and Bonito Boni Whip antenna. Thanks for watching.

Frst time I've ever copied the DPRK in the morning; 15180 kHz with Eton ...

Hi there, I've never copied a signal from The Voice of Korea in the morning previously. I've also never copied them on 15180 kHz. Here is quite a nice copy of their English programming, using the Eton Satellit and Bonito MA305 USB-powered E-field antenna, out in the woods. A great performance from both pieces of equipment - a lovely morning - and my daughter makes an appearance lol.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 27/08/17 at
10:46 hrs UTC, 11:46 hrs BST.. Thanks for watching.

DXing in a large suburban garden: CHU Canada 7850 kHz, Ottawa with voice...

HI there, at home, the voice part of this 10 kW signal is often either very unclear or not heard at all on the Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop. Here, in a larger suburban space, the MA305 antenna hanging from a washing line does the business!

Recorded in Oxford UK on 12/08/17 at
01:13 hrs UTC using an Eton Satellit and Bonito MegActive MA305 E-field antenna. Thanks for watching.

Monday, 18 September 2017

Medium wave DX: Greek pirate copied on 1660 kHz

Hi there, I intially thought I'd copied WGIT again, but then doubts started to set in as I re-listened to the recording - the style of music/speech sounded more like a pirate. A Greek station had been published on YouTube in the past couple of weeks by our friend and colleague 2010DFS and my friend Matthias subsequently confirmed my doubts lol. This is therefore a PF for me: I've never copied a Greek pirate on 1660 kHz! ;-)

Recorded in Oxford UK on 13/09/17 at
02:37 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna. Thanks for watching.

MW DX: summertime signal from WEGP EWTN Presque Isle 1390 kHz, Maine, USA

Hi there, I haven't copied a decent signal from Presque Isle since the 23rd of Fenruary this year, so this was a welcome visitor to my MW spectrum a few mornings ago.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 07/09/17 at
04:11 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

MW DX: summertime signal from Radio Rebelde 710 kHz, Cuba

Hi there, it was nice to catch Radio Rebelde on one of their lower TX frequencies. I checked this reception against another simultaneous transmission on MW to confirm the ID as the signal is pretty weak. Nevertheless, another transatlantic MW catch is most welcome, particularly as it's still officially summer in the UK lol.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 07/09/17 at
04:08 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

The Voice of Korea (DPRK) 9425 kHz, copied with Tecsun PL-310ET and Boni...

Hi there, I thought this was very nice copy of North Korea's Russian language service on the 31 metre broadcast band. A great result from a modestly priced set-up.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 10/09/17 at
17:34 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

Voice of the Broad Masses 2, 7180 kHz, Eritrea, copied with Tecsun PL-31...

Hi there, I copied this station for the first time on this frequency with the Eton Satellit and Bonito MegActive MA305 antenna a couple of weeks ago. Here it is again, with the Pl-310ET and Boni Whip, with similar reception, but heavier QRM from Hams. Still feels like a good catch with a modest set-up.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 10/09/17 at
17:30 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation 11835 kHz booming on Tecsun PL-310ET ...

Hi there, it's been a long time since I recorded a signal from Sri Lanka, but this one was so strong on the Tecsun/Bonito set-up, I felt it worth uploading. Almost like a local AM and with equipment totalling less than £150. There's nothing I can say about the brilliant PL-310ET or the Boni Whip that I haven't already said previously. Both offer superb value for money.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 10/09/17 at
17:14 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

MW DX: summertime signal from WBBR Bloomberg Radio 1130 kHz New York

Hi there, a stronger, more stable signal from WBBR, copied an hour later on the same morning as my previous post. Great to be hearing these TA signals on MW whilst it's still officially summer in the UK lol, despite quite a lot of local QRM.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 07/09/17 at
04:32 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

DXing in a suburban garden with a 40 metre longwire: XEPPM Radio Educaci...

Hi there, I was amazed at this signal from Mexico city using a 40 metre longwire in an urban garden. I sort of wish I'd had the PL-310ET with me at the time because I think I'd have copied this signal on that radio too - and at about 1/5 of the price of the Eton, that would really have been something!

Recorded in Oxford UK on 12/08/17 at
01:17 hrs UTC using an Eton Satellit and Bonito MegActive MA305 E-field antenna. Thanks for watching.

Rádio Clube do Pará, Brazil, 4885 kHz almost booming into the shack on t...

Hi there, a strong signal on the R75 and Wellbrook ALA1530 outdoors - possibly the strongest signal I've copied from Rádio Clube do Pará at home in the shack. This recording was taken before I had the time to do some research and start figuring out the best way to use this very capable little table-top reciever. However, in AM, with the 'normal filter, Fast ACG and Preamp 2, their signal sounded pretty good to me lol. On more crowded parts of the HF bands, SSB/ECSS is the right approach to get the best out of this receiver - more on that to come.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 07/09/17 around
02:45 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

Friday, 15 September 2017

Copy of a 1 Watt signal from Mid Downs Radio 1350 kHz, Heywards Heath (1...

Hi there, my thanks to Matthias (senderjaeger) who with his very keen hearing managed to identify 'Mid Downs' during one of the announcements. I've listened to the recording again and he's absolutely correct. Thus, we have copied a 1 Watt signal from a distance of 126 km....pretty impressive lol.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 09/09/17 at
01:59 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

MW DX: summertime signal from VOA 1530 kHz São Tomé, Gulf of Guinea, pun...

Hi there, the first time I've copied the Voice of America from São Tomé this summer with a decent signal. Presently, I'm suffering a lot of noise on the MW band, above 1500 kHz, however, the strong signal from VOA manages to overcome the blanket of local QRM at mine.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 08/09/17 at
02:58 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

MWDX: summertime signal from WEEI 850 kHz, Boston Sports News, with ID

HI there, this isq quite a weak signal from WEEI in a part of the MW band that was quite noisy on the morning of the 6th of September, however, an ID can be heard at 0:24 and I'm very happy with this summertime transatlantic medium wave PF.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 06/09/17 at
01:59 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

MWDX: summertime signal from YVKS RCR 750 Radio Caracas 750 kHz, Venezuela

Hi there, my thanks to Senderjaeger for suggesting I join the 'RealDX' Yahoo group and to Valter Comuzzi for identifying this signal as coming from Caracas, Venezuela, rather than Radio Progreso, Cuba. This is the second time I've copied YVKS RCR 750 Radio Caracas, so really pleasing.

Recorded on Oxford UK on 07/09/17 at
03:11 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

MW DX: summertime signal from WBBR Bloomberg Radio 1130 kHz New York

Hi there, this signal starts strongly, fades out and then returns with a very clear ID at 01:20. During the winter month this station can boom into the UK - let's hope winter 2017/18 is no exception!

Recorded in Oxford UK on 07/09/17 at
03:32 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Sudan Radio 7205 kHz, Al Aitahab, Sudan, first reception since October 2016

Hi tihere, this is my first reception of Sudan Radio for nearly a year. A weak signal, but discernible with the Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna out in the garden shed! Their signal should improve in the coming months - but requires a late night/early morning to catch them for me!

Recorded in Oxford UK on 05/09/17 at
03:23 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

MW DX: summertime signal from WLAM Lewiston 1470 kHz, Maine, USA, with ID

Hi there, I've only heard this station 3 times previously and so it's really great to copy them once more, particularly at this time of the year. The signal is undertandably quite weak, but a clear ID is heard here 00:53

Recorded in Oxford UK on 05/09/17 at
04:39 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Radio Aparecida 11855 kHz Brazil, Sony ICF-2001D & Bonito Boni Whip

Hi there, I don't hear this station at home any more, probably because of the ever growing local QRM issue. Sat in my shack in the early hours I worry that some of these tropical stations have gone off-air lol. Fortunately my fears were allayed a few days ago when I copied Radio Aparecida again on a mini DXpedition. Brilliant performance from the ultra-compact Bonito Boni Whip. The Sony speaks for itself.

Recorded in the woods in Oxford UK on 29/08/17 at
20:02 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

Friday, 8 September 2017

Thank you to everyone for exceeding a quarter of a million views! (and a...

Hi there, this video is a bit late as the channel has now received about 262,000 views, but it's very pleasing and I'm very grateful to all of my friends and subscribers for showing such an interest in Oxford Shortwave Log. You guys continue to make my participation in our great hobby such a pleasure. You know who you are. Here's my thanks to all of you and a bit of an update. Thanks for watching!

Reach Beyond Australia 15320 & 15340 kHz on the Icom IC-R75 and Yaesu FR...

Hi there, I was only thinking quite recently that I hadn't copied Reach Beyond Australia for some time now. Looking back at my uploads I found that the last time was actually May when I was in Crete and prior to that, March in the UK. So it was nice to copy them again in the middle of the afternoon with the IC-R75. This receiver was recommended to me by a certain Mr Thomas Brogan (who is doing ok for those of you that know him) and others.

As you probably know (and demonstrated on this video) the audio on the Icom is very shrill in comparison to the FRG-8800 for example, but that could be an advantage for hard-core DXing. What's not so good are the filters - extremely narrow and very wide. As my friend and radio colleague Phil Henzler quite rightly pointed out earlier, SSB is probably the most useful mode for DXing with the stock filters. Nevertheless, I got this radio at a very fair price - dare I even say a very good price and it's actually the first relatively modern table-top receiver I've ever owned. Very much looking forward to putting it through it's paces lol.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 03/09/17 at
14:32 hrs UTC using a Wellbrook ALA1530 (in the garden shed!). Thanks for watching.

MW DX: strong summertime signal from Radio Rebelde 1180 kHz, Cuba, with ID

Despite signficant adjacent channel QRM on 1179 kHz, necessitating the use of USB, here is a strong signal from Radio Rebelde, with a clear ID here 3:08

Recorded in Oxford UK on 06/09/17 at
01:58 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

MW DX: Summertime signal from WFED Federal News Radio 1500 kHz, Washingt...

Hi there, here's an early transatlantic signal from Federal News Radio, Washington DC. It will improve over the coming months, but a steady stream of summertime signals these past few days is making me feel a little more confident of a good MW DX season to come!

Recorded in Oxford UK on 05/09/17 at
04:38 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

MW DX: Summertime signal from VOCM 590 kHz, St. John's, Newfoundland & L...

Hi there I took the opportunity to record VOCM again this morning in the non-remote 192 kHz mode on the Elad - so this is actual DXing rather than analysing a recording. I was fortunate enough to time this such that multiple IDs are heard - and a pretty decent signal for this time of the year. It's still officially summer in the UK until 22/09/17 and I'm hoping to catch a few more transatlantic signals before then (and lots more after lol).

Recorded in Oxford on 05/09/17 at
01:44 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

MW DX: summertime signal from CJYQ 930 kHz, St. John's, Newfoundland & L...

Hi there, another transatlantic signal copied this morning - and the second time I've recorded a signal with ID from CJYQ in the past few days.

Recorded on 05/09/17 at
00:58 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

MW DX: Summertime signal from VOWR 800 kHz, St. John's, Newfoundland & L...

Hi there, this is presumed, but given the style of music playing, the strong signal from VOCM at the same time and the fact that this is the only transatlantic station I've ever copied on 800 kHz, I'm pretty sure this is VOWR. Significant adjacent channel QRM requiring the use of LSB, but as usual, the Elad performs admirably to deliver recovered audio.

Recorded this morning (05/09/17), in Oxford UK at
00:58 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

MW DX: Summertime signal from VOCM 590 kHz, St. John's, Newfoundland & L...

Hi there, another transatlantic signal copied this morning. This station can really boom into Oxford during the MW season; I hope this is an indication of good things to come!

Recorded in Oxford UK on 05/09/17 at
01:00 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

CHU Canada 3330 kHz, Ottawa, with voice announcements, copied on the Eto...

Hi there, in my experience, it's difficult to copy CHU Canada on 90 metres at home - with the voice announcements. Bring in the Eton E1 and it almost seems easy lol. What a great receiver.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 10/08/17 at
01:41 hrs UTC using a Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Radio Difusora Roraima 4875.25 kHz, Brazil, improved reception recently

The theme of improved SW reception from low power stations in Brazil continues. Here is one of the strongest signals I've ever copied at home from Boa Vista. Bear in mind that usually this signal is very weak - often audio is borderline imperceptible.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 28/08/17 at
02:36 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Rádio Clube do Pará, Brazil, 4885 kHz strong signal in the shack

Hi there, another Brazilian station copied in the shack recently with much improved signal strength recently. It was only a few weeks back I was concerned this station had gone off-air. I'll be in Para again at the end of the month and no doubt will be making further recordings!

Recorded in Oxford UK on 28/08/17 at
02:31 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Radio Voz Missionaria 5940 kHz Camboriu, Brazil, best reception at home ...

Hi there, I posted a reception video recently because I had copied and recorded Radio Voz Missionaria in the shack with the strongest and clearest signal to date. This reception demonstrates a further improvement from that original recording. There's no doubt that RVM are coming into the UK very strongly at present.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 28/08/2017 at
02:17 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Monday, 4 September 2017

A strong signal from North Korea 12015 kHz copied with Sony ICF-SW100 an...

Hi there, a strong signal from the DPRK on the 19 metre Broadcast Band. Once again, the timing of my walk in the country lead me to record their German programming.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 11/08/17 around
16:45 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

The Voice of Korea 9425/9435 kHz, German and French programming copied o...

Hi there, a nice signal from the DPRK's German service, weaker from their French output, but both welcome on the diminutive ICF-SW100 and AN-71 reel-type antenna. Simply a powerful DXing set-up that actually fits in any pocket.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 11/08/17 at
16:38 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

Sony ICF-2001D sensitivity on the whip: Voice of Tigray Revolution 5950 ...

Hi there, I caught this station in the early hours recently, in the shack; the first time I'd heard them indoors for many months. Here is another signal from them, with the iconic ICF-2001D on just the whip. Another great performance from the Sony.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 24/07/17 at
19:47 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

Sony ICF-2001D sensitivity on the whip: Radio Hargeysa 7120 kHz, Somaliland

Hi there, if my memory serves me correctly, I have once previously copied Radio Hargeysa on the whip of the ICF-2001D, but in darkness. This is my first daylight reception of this station without a longwire or other more sophisticated antenna. In this reception there's adjacent channel QRM from Hams - as usual, but the music playing is still clearly heard. The old Sony is still a top performer even after all those intervening years.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 24/07/17 at
19:40 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

Radio Inconfidencia 15190 kHz, Brazil, copied with Sony ICF-SW100 and AN...

Hi there, it's my favourite station on the 19 metre broadcast band and all the more satisfying to copy their signal with a compact set-up. It doesn't get any more compact than this lol.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 09/08/17 at 20:17 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

MW DX: summertime signal from Radio Rebelde 1620 kHz, Guanabacoa, Cuba

Hi there, nice to catch Radio Rebelde with a decent signal at this time of year. It would appear the MW DX season really is looming - conditions are steadily improving.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 27/08/17 at
05:23 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

MW DX: strong summertime signal from Caribbean Beacon 1610 kHz, The Val...

Hi there, some fading, but otherwise a strong signal from Anguilla for this time of year. As we approach autumn, they will often boom into my QTH in the early hours of the morning. The content isn't really my thing, but I'm always pleased to see/hear their signal on my spectrum.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 27/08/17 at
05:13 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Radio Mosoj Chaski 3310 kHz Bolivia, copied with Eton E1 and Sony ICF-2001D

Hi there, another welcome catch in the shack - it's not every day you sit there listening to a low power station from Bolivia on a portable receiver - albeit two of the best portables ever made. In my opinion, the Eton out performs the Sony here - you can fast forward to it's reception here 0:56 As always, I'd welcome your comments.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 07/08/17 at
01:14 hrs UTC using a Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Radio Tarma Internacional 4774.9 kHz Peru, copied with Eton E1 and Sony ...

Hi there, this is sort of an indoor reception because it was recorded in my shack, but I guess it should be regarded as outdoors because the Wellbrook ALA1530 active loop antenna was in the garden shed! Certainly better signals from Radio Tarma have been copied and recorded on my DXpeditions, however, this reception at home was really pleasing. Comparing the reception of the Eton and Sony is unavoidable - and having just read the comments from Marcos and had another listen, I actually don't think the Eton beats the Sony at all - there's very little in it. I'm planning comprehensive testing out in the woods, to properly determine the performance of E1 and ICF-2001D receivers, using DX signals in a very quiet environment. Should be really interesting.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 07/08/17 at
01:22 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.