Friday, 18 October 2019

Transatlantic MW DX: WLS 890 kHz Chicago copied in Oxford UK with ID

Transatlantic MW DX: WEEI 850 kHz, Boston Sports News copied in Oxford U...

Transatlantic MW DX: WOR 710 kHz, New York copied in Oxford UK with ID

Transatlantic MW DX: WRKO 680 kHz, Boston copied in Oxford UK with ID

Transatlantic MW DX: 'The Fan' WFAN 660 kHz New York, copied in Oxford ...

BBC Radio 4 198 kHz Longwave closing down on my Binatone Worldstar

DXing from Houston: K5PGW Louisiana closing the Gulf Coast Single Sideba...

DXing from Houston: Radio New Zealand International 13840 kHz