Wednesday, 22 November 2017

RÚV Rás 1/Rás 2, Gufuskalar Iceland 189 kHz; PERSEUS SDR

Hi there, here is the first of two videos, comparing the performance of the Perseus SDR receiver against the Elad FDM DUO. This RÚV signal is far more difficult to hear well than their other on 207 KHz, largely because of the presence of significant adjacent channel QRM and additional, local noise that's omi-present at my QTH. At least it makes for a nice and challenging signal to kick off the comparison!

Please note that the settings were adjusted for optimum signal clarity and as such, the receivers are set up differently. In my opinion, there's little or no difference, however I think YouTube has decided this reception is clearer than that of the Elad...let me explain...

Although both videos contain the same song, YouTube only detected copyright infringement on this Perseus reception, not on the Elad video lol.

The Elad reception follows this upload.

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