Sunday, 15 April 2018

MW DX: KKLF 'Banda 13 Radio' 1700 kHz, Richardson, Texas, copied in Oxfo...

Hi there, this is a PF for me and my thanks to Matthias for spotting an ID that I couldn't hear lol. Their ID is "Banda 13" and can be heard at 0:08 seconds into the recording. Every now and then I record a MW spectrum that doesn't really deliver anything very exciting on the band, but the X-band is alive with signals. This is one of those recordings and a very welcome catch. I actually find analysing MW spectrum recordings quite boring and have to really push myself to do it! This type of catch makes the effort worthwhile!

Recorded in Oxford UK on 01/04/18 at
01:59 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching

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