Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Using a Wayne Kerr Automatic LCR meter in the winding of a MW induction ...

Hi there, I run a company building superconducting magnets for MRI and other applications....and so as you might realise, we wind a lot of coils lol. I am therefore very fortunate to have access to a high-end LCR meter (I think it cost £6K or £7K originally. The beauty of having an LCR meter is it effectively removes the guesswork from winding an induction loop for LW or MW. You just need to know the target inductance in micro-Henries and you can test the coil as you wind. Also, once you've wound the supposed correct number of turns and tested the loop, you can use the meter to check for adjustments. The inductance increases and decreases with the turn-to-turn distance, thus small adjustments to the inductance can be monitored by moving turns closer together and vice-versa. It's just a shame I've got to give it back lol. Thanks for watching.

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