Wednesday, 28 February 2018

WBBR Bloomberg Radio New York 1130 kHz, copied indoors with Eton Satelli...

Hi there, here's a signal from WBBR New York, copied indoors (amazingly - I didn't think it would be possible) with a MW loop antenna. I managed to buy a dual gang 360 pF + 360 pF tuning capacitor off ebay cheaply and with a cardboard box and 15 turns of equipment wire, the loop was born lol. Now, I followed a design - as you're (sort of) supposed to, however, mine doesn't quite tune up to the X-band, so I need to experiment a little and take a couple of turns off, which I will do tonight.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 27/02/18 at
00:08 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

SDRPlay RSP1A: Radio Tarma 4774.9 kHz, Tarma Peru, a rare indoor catch

Hi there, here's a rare indoor catch; Radio Tarma, Peru, copied above the usual blanket of elektrosmog. I have no doubt the Bonito GI300 galvanic isolator is helping to increase the signal to noise and thus recovered audio at my shack. This is an understandably weak signal, but nevertheless, what a great performance from what it essentially a budget SDR.

Recorded on 23/01/18 at
01:35 hrs UTC using a Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

SDRPlay RSP1A: Medium Wave DX: WBZ Newsradio, 1030 kHz, Boston, copied ...

Hi there, here's a strong signal from WBZ, complete with the usual adjacent channel QRM. Nevertheless, coupled to the Wellbrook ALA1530 (outside) the SDRPlay RSP1A does a super job in delivering recovered audio.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 27/02/18 around
01:10 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

Medium Wave DX: CKAC 730 kHz Montreal, Quebec, copied in Oxford UK

Hi there, I'm hearing CKAC a lot more often these days it seems and although 730 kHz sufferes from horrendous adjacent channel QRM, the Elad FDM DUO deals with it brilliantly in ECSS upper side band mode to deliver recovered audio and at least one ID.

Recorded on 16/01/18 at
02:58 hrs UTC using a Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

XHDATA D-808: Radio Voz Missionaria 5940 kHz, Camboriu, Brazil, copied o...

Hi there, here's a signal that's mostly incredibly difficult to hear well at home, but sometimes can be heard well on a DXpedition with a longwire. Thus I wasn't expecting to catch anything like this on the very short telescopic antenna. An understandly weak signal, but there nevertheless and testament to the outstanding sensitivity of this little radio.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 19/02/18 at
01:32 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

XHDATA D-808: S32 'The Squeaky Wheel' 3828 kHz USB, Rostov-na-Donu copi...

Hi there, even more surprising than hearing S30 on the D-808's telescopic antenna - this catch of S32. The Squeaky Wheel is much more difficult to hear in the UK than The Pip. In fact, I've only copied this signal twice previously: once on a portable - the Sony ICF-2001D and once at home in the shack on the Elad FDM DUO, coupled to the Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop. Great to hear this signal again on the cheap but brilliant XHDATA.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 19/02/18 at
01:37 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

XHDATA D-808: S30 'The Pip' 3756 kHz USB, Rostov-na-Donu, copied on the ...

Hi there, this was quite a surprise - copying 'The Pip' on the D-808's two foot long telescopic! Last time I heard this signal was in Rio Capim, Northern Brazil on a longwire. Very sensitive little radio, even without a large antenna.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 19/02/18 at
01:34 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

Monday, 26 February 2018

SDRplay RSP1A: YVKS RCR 750 Radio Caracas 750 kHz, Venezuela, copied in ...

Hi there, I wasn't expecting to hear the signal from Caracas on 750 MHz as the South American season is over, however, here they are...fading in over CBC....a welcome catch in February!

Recorded on 22/02/18 at
02:29 hrs UTC using a Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna. Thanks for watching.

Friday, 23 February 2018

XHDATA D-808: Myanmar Radio 5985 kHz, Myanmar (Burma) copied on the tele...

Hi there, here's a surprising catch - Myanmar Radio copied with the XHDATA D-808 on it's rather short telescopic antenna. This little radio is proving to be very sensitive on the internal ferrite antenna (see Senderjaeger's catches) and on SW on the telescopic.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 19/02/18 at
00:57 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

XHDATA D-808: Rádio Clube do Pará 4885 kHz, Belém almost booming in on t...

Hi there, for a week or so I've been trying to copy transatlantic MW DX on the D-808 and thus far not really heard very much. Thus, changing tack, I went out a few nights ago and tried this brilliant little receiver on the telescopic. My 60 metre broadcast band indicator beacon has always been Rádio Clube do Pará - and here they are almost booming in on the (rather short it has to be said) telescopic antenna. What a great radio.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 19/02/18 at
00:46 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

SDRPlay RSP1A: WFME Family Radio 1560 kHz New York copied above the QRM

Hi there, here's a fairly difficult signal to copy, with significant adjacent channel QRM, but the sensitivity and selectivity of this budget SDR is superb and it delivers very decent recovered audio. As I have said before, 10% of the price of a high-end SDR, but with at least 95% of the performance. Superb job.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 22/02/18 at
02:21 hrs UTC using a Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

SDRPlay RSP1A: Radio Difusora Roraima 4875.25 kHz, Boa Vista, best indoo...

Hi there, here is another brilliant SW signal on the SDRPlay RSP1A. Again, I think this is the clearest signal I've ever heard indoors from Radio Difusora Roraima. What a great receiver - which costs about 1/3 the price of my antenna lol.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 22/02/18 at
02:03 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop outdoors. Thanks for watching.

SDRPlay RSP1A: The Luxembourg Effect - TDF time signal 162 kHz Allouis,...

Hi there, a conversation with Georg (editor of Radio User Magazine), Nils Schiffhauer and other radio fellows regarding the Luxembourg Effect inspired me to make this recording. Probably the easiest, continuous example of this phenomenan to copy, I see/hear this most evenings when I'm on the LW band. The explanation is a little complex, but involves the cross-modulation of two signals in an electrically conductive region of the atmosphere.

Recorded on 22/02/18 at
01:59 hrs UTC using an SDRPlay RSP1A and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna ourdoors. Thanks for watching.

SDRPlay RSP1A: Rádio Nacional de Angola 4949.73 kHz, best indoor recepti...

Hi there, here is a relatively stupendous signal lol from Angola. Nortoriously difficult to hear any audio from this station's signal unless you're stood in the middle of a field, this was a brilliant copy on the modestly priced SDRPlay RSP1A.

Recorded on 22/02/18 at
01:17 hrs UTC using a Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Thursday, 22 February 2018

Medium wave DX: CIWW 1310 kHz Ottawa, copied in Oxford UK

Hi there, this is presumed because I can't hear an ID, however at 50 kW TX, CIWW is most likely the source. I have only copied a transatlantic signal once previously on 1310 kHz and rather frustratingly, that was also presumed to be this station. It's all part of the wonderful Kaleidoscope of transatlantic MW DXing!

Recorded on 13/01/18 at
02:01 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop outdoors. Thanks for watching.

XHDATA D-808 vs Eton Satellit: Beibu Bay Radio 5050 kHz, Nanning, China

Hi there, here's another comparison of these two great (and technically similar) radios. To my ears, fuller audio - as usual - with the Eton, but better clarity with the D-808. Reception about the same. Let me know what you think.

Recorded on 29/01/18 at around
23:05 hrs UTC using a 50 metre longwire. Thanks for watching.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Bonito GI300 Galvanic Isolator noise suppression with the MegActive MA30...

Hi there, here is the final ideo demonstrating the Bonito GI300 galvanic isolator with their own antenna the MegActive MA305. Once again, it improves the signal-to-noise quite significantly, this time on shortwave.

Thanks for watching.

Bonito GI300 Galvanic Isolator noise suppression with the MegActive MA30...

Hi there, here is the second video demonstrating the Bonito GI300 galvanic isolator with their own antenna the MegActive MA305. Once again, it improves the signal-to-noise quite significantly, this time on medium wave.

Thanks for watching.

Bonito GI300 Galvanic Isolator noise suppression with the MegActive MA30...

Hi there, Lee Locke asked me to test the effectiveness of the Bonito GI300 galvanic isolator with their own antenna - the MegActive MA305. Here's the first test on longwave - and yes it does have a positive effect on the signal-to-nolise.

Thanks for watching.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

MW DX: WTNI 1640 kHz, Biloxi, Gulfport, Mississippi, copied in Oxford UK

Hi there, here's another copy of the signal from Gulfport and the first for 2018. Great to hear this station again, clearly ID'd with the mention of ESPN radio.

Recorded on 08/01/18 at
05:59 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

XHDATA D-808 vs Eton Satellit: Rádio Nacional de Angola 4949.7 kHz

Hi there, here's another comparison with the rather tricky to hear Rádio Nacional de Angola. I think both receivers perform well in delivering recovered audio. Let me know your thoughts.

Recorded on 29/01/18 at around
22:56 hrs UTC using a 50 metre longwire. Thanks for watching.

MW DX: VOCM 590 kHz, St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador, superbly stabl...

Hi there, now and then it almost feels as if VOCM is booming into my shack. This was one of those times. Still incredible to think this signal arrived from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. There's very little, if any fading for the duration of this recording. Superb job by the Elad/Wellbrook combination once again. No doubt Tam will confirm the artist!

Recorded in Oxford UK on 08/01/18 at
04:58 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Medium wave DX: WFAN 660 kHz New York, copied in Oxford UK

Hi there, I've copied The Fan two or three times in the past 3 months. Their carrier is nearly always visible, but often there's no modulation. For once, it was just about possible to use AM rather than SSB to mitigate adjacent channel QRM.

Recorded on 12/01/18 at
01:59 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna. Thanks for watching.

MW DX: WWBR Bloomberg Radio 1130 buried in QRM but still audible on the ...

Hi there, it never ceases to amaze me how the brilliant Elad is capable of extracting modulation and delivering recovered audio from a signal that's sort of buried in adjacent channel QRM. It's a genius piece of kit.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 08/01/18 at
02:58 hrs UTC using a Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

MW DX: WWKB Buffalo New York 1520 kHz, first reception since April 2017

Hi there, I can't quite believe it, but this is the first time I've copied WWKB for 10 months. As usual, significant adjacent channel QRM, but the Elad deals with it very well in ECSS mode and with the AGC turned off, delivers some decent recovered audio.

Recorded on 05/01/18 at
03:00 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 actve loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

MW DX: CKNB 950 kHz, Campbellton, New Brunswick, playing pop music

Hi there, I'm not a big fan of Shakira's music lol, but I've definitely heard a lot worse! CKNB is one of the more difficult Canadian stations to hear - that can actually be heard when the sun is playing ball and the planets aligned lol, so always a pleasing catch!

Recorded in Oxford UK on 05/01/18 at
00:58 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

MW DX: CJYQ 930 kHz, St. John's, copied in Oxford, UK at 07:15 am

Hi there, this is quite a rare occurrence at my QTH...transatlantic DX after 7 am, even in winter and particularly with CJYQ which can be difficult to copy at the best of times.

Recorded on 22/12/17 at
07:15 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna. Thanks for watching.

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Testing the Bonito GI300 Galvanic Isolator for noise suppression: part 4

Hi there, here's the final video testing the noise suppression of Bonito's Galvanic Isolator. This time, I'll think you'll agree it makes a huge difference to the noise floor. Without the GI300 in circuit, the signal is just about obliterated with noise. With it in place, the recovered audio is perfectly discernible.

In summary, I will be operating with this brilliant little device permanently in place. If you want to buy one, and I recommend you do if like me, you suffer from QRM at home, go to Bonito's online store.


Thanks for watching.

Testing the Bonito GI300 Galvanic Isolator for noise suppression: part 3

Hi there, here's the next video testing the noise suppression of Bonito's Galvanic Isolator. Once again, I'll think you'll agree it makes a big difference to lowering the noise floor - at least 5 dBs and of course the recovered audio.

Recorded with the Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors.


Thanks for watching.

Testing the Bonito GI300 Galvanic Isolator for noise suppression: part 2

Hi there, here's the second video testing the noise suppression of Bonito's Galvanic Isolator. Once again, I'll think you'll agree it makes a big difference to the noise floor of the Elad FDM DUO, which in this case (and the others to follow) is connected to my Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors.


Thanks for watching.

Testing the Bonito GI300 Galvanic Isolator for noise suppression: part 1

Hi there, as most of you know, my QTH suffers very badly from local QRM - and of course I know a lot of you of also have the same problem. This has resulted in my not being able to conduct any MW DX in the early evenings; in fact I'm not able to operate with even a reasonable noise floor until well after midnight when the neighbours have switched of TVs etc. and gone to bed. Thus, I'm usually up half the night when I want to DX on Medium Wave and similarly with Shortwave. Thank goodness for the recording facility on the Elad FDM software. If it weren't for that, I'd have gotten even less sleep these past two years!

Dennis at Bonito sent me one of their Galvanic Isolators for testing. They work by isolating the path of the direct current between the outer shield of the coax cable and the shielding of the antenna feed line. In doing so, a toroidal transfomer can suppress interference caused by the potential difference between these conductors. In addition, the inner conductor of the coax cable is electrically insulated with capacitors and integrated with and coarse and fine voltage surge protection. Sounds good to me and at a cost of only 59 Euros, if the GI300 works, it's money very well spent indeed.

The GI300 covers a wide-band range of 30 kHz - 300 MHz (typically with around 1dB insertion loss). The unit can be used with almost any receiver capable of connecting to an external antenna and will also work at frequencies up to 1 GHz. However, above 300 MHz, the insertion loss may increase by up to 3dB.

One word of warning; The connection between the GI300 and your receiver input should be as short as possible. I tried mine on the antenna side of my antenna switch and it still worked very well, but best results are obtained if you connect it directly into the antenna socket of your receiver. I used a PL259 to BNC adaptor for my Elad FDM DUO and the GI300 plugged straight in. Note also that whilst it is impossible for the GI300 to pick up electrical interference (this is intrinsic to the toroidal transformer and strip line design) it could still occur if you have a length of effectively potential-free transmission line from it, to your receiver.

Here is the first of my test videos.


As you can see, the GI300 makes a huge difference to the noise floor on the Elad FDM DUO, coupled to my Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna (outdoors). More videos to come.

Thanks for watching.

Thursday, 15 February 2018

MW DX: WFED 1500 kHz Washington D.C. copied in Oxford, UK with a big signal

Hi there, I'm really only posting this reception video because the quality of this signal from Washington DC was superb. WFED is a frequent visitor to my MW spectrum, but this was a bit special.

Recorded on 08/01/18 at
02:00 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Medium Wave DX: WTAM 1100 kHz, Cleveland, Ohio copied in Oxford UK

Hi there, this is only the second time I've copied WTAM, confirmed with an ID, so pleasing to hear them again. The Elad/Wellbrook combo. just keeps on going lol.

Recorded on 08/01/18 at
02:59 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Medium Wave DX: CKAC 730 kHz Montreal, Quebec, copied in Oxford, UK

Hi there, this is my first copy of CKAC in 2018 and it didn't take long in coming. I'm hearing this station much more frequently these past few weeks and although tricky with severe adjacent channel QRM, the Elad copes admirably - as usual.

Recorded on 03/01/18 at
03:58 hrs UTC using a Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

#3 MW DX: CHCM 740 kHz Marystown Newfoundland and Labrador, first reception

Hi there, I've just realised this is the first time I've copied CHCM and actually the first time I've ever copied a transatlantic signal on 740 kHz. Easily identified as a simulcast with VOCM and CKVO.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 12/01/18 at
01:58 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

#2 MW DX: CKVO 710 kHz, Clarenville, Newfoundland and Labrador (repeats ...

Hi there, this is a direct follow-up to my previous video of VOCM, relaying the same programming, but with a much weaker, more disturbed signal from heavy adjacent channel QRM.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 12/01/18 at
01:58 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

#1 MW DX: VOCM 590 kHz, St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador

Hi there, sorry I've not been around for a few days, I've been ill, but getting over it now. Here's VOCM playing some music from one of my favourite bands back in the day and it was interesting to catch the simulcast on CKVO and follow next.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 12/01/18 at
01:58 hrs UTC using an Elad FDM DUO and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Monday, 12 February 2018

A closer look at my homebrew 70 cm colinear antenna for use with my Baof...

Hi there, here's a brief overview of my 70 cm colinear antenna, constructed for me by a very nice chap: G1ZMA.

Thursday, 8 February 2018

XHDATA D-808 vs Eton Satellit: Rádio Evangelizar 9725 kHz Curitiba, Braz...

Hi there, here's another Brazilian rarity, copied with these two great receivers - similar in performance, very dissimilar in price lol. I can't quite believe it, but the last time I copied this station in the UK was April 2016. A rare catch in my neck of the woods for sure.

Recorded on 29/01/18 at
00:02 hrs UTC using a 50 metre longwire. Thanks for watching.

Harwell Amateur Radio Society Wednesday night net on 70 cm repeater GB3DI

Hi there, this is my Ham club's recently arranged Wednesday night net on GB3DI, just finishing up and signing off. I managed to copy them from 14 miles away as it happens (I had guessed 20 miles during the recording of another video). I was using my Baofeng GT3 MKII transceiver which at about 35 quid is such good value for money. It was coupled to a colinear antenna that was built for me by a very nice chap who actually works for me - and happens to be a radio ham himself G1ZMA. A top bloke. My QTH is a bit too far away to participate in the conversation, but I might try to have another go tonight with the same antenna set a little higher off the ground.

More on this to come, along with a recording of most of my second-ever QSO lol.

Background info. to the Harwell Amateur Radio Society net on the 70 cm r...

Hi there, here is some background on Harwell Amateur Radio Society's recently set-up Wednesday night net on the 70 cm repeater in Didcot, Oxfordshire and a bit on my UHF antenna. There another video to come on that specific subject with moving images that actually mean something lol. It was a bit too dark to see much here.

Technical note note regarding GB3DI:

Keeper/NoV holder: MIKE P STEVENS (G8CUL)

Band: 70CM ( RB06) Output frequency: 433.1500MHz RX Frequency: 434.7500MHz


Recorded in West Oxford on 31/01/18 at
22:28 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

Monday, 5 February 2018

My review of the Tecsun S-8800 in the February edition of Radio User mag...

Hi there, I was very pleased to have been asked by the editor of Radio User magazine to write a review of the Tecsun S-8800 receiver. Here''s a brief overview of the article and don't let this stop you going out and buying the magazine! There's not much in the way of print that supports our hobby other than this magazine, the WRTH and club publications - and that's about it. We should cherish what we have and ensure they endure!

Super signal from Radio Marti 7435 kHz Cuba, indoors with the Eton E1 o...

Hi there, here's another really nice indoor signal, on the telescopic with the Eton E1, this time from Radio Marti, Cuba. I've still yet to properly test this receiver out in the woods with a longwire, the Welllbrook, MA395 antennas etc., but the initial signs are obviously very good.

XHDATA D-808 vs Eton Satellit: Meyerton and Ottawa on 90 metres

Hi there, here is another comparison using the only two signals that could be heard on the 90 metre broadcast band: Radio Sonder Grense and CHU Canada. A very decent performance with both receivers.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 28/01/18 around
00:29 hrs UTC using a 50 metre longwire. Thanks for watching.

Saturday, 3 February 2018

XHDATA D-808 vs Eton Satellit: a super signal from Radio Voz Missionaria...

Hi there, here's the next reception video in this series. A really strong signal from Radio Voz MIssionaria, which certainly isn't possible at home under the local QRM, even with very sophisticated equipment. Both receivers perform really well, although one clearly offers significantly better performance as a function of price.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 28/01/18 around
23:27 hrs UTC using a 50 metre longwire. Thanks for

XHDATA D-808 vs Eton Satellit: Radio Cultural Amauta 4955 kHz Huanta, Peru

Hi there, here is the next video comparing these two great portables. I've not heard Radio Cultural Amauta for a while, so this was a welcome catch anyway.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 28/01/18 around
23:06 hrs UTC using a 50 metre longwire. Thanks for watching.

Medium wave DX: WEGP EWTN Presque Isle 1390 kHz, Maine, USA, copied in O...

Hi there, this station used to be a regular visitor to my MW spectrum. Not so much these days, so nice to copy them on this occasion with a good signal.

Recorded in Oxford UK on 24/11/17 at
05:58 hrs UTC using a Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop antenna outdoors. Thanks for watching.

Super signal from Greece, 9420 kHz indoors with the Eton E1 on the tele...

Hi there, so it is possible to listen to some nice music on shortwave, indoors, in the comfort of your favourite chair, with just the telescopic antenna lol. Just how it used to be - well sort of. Here is a super signal from Helliniki Radiophonia and some lovely music on the newly functional Eton E1. The best ever portable? Quite probably. Enjoy and thanks for watching.

Leaking Duracell Plus battery removed from Eton E1, cleaned up and now w...

Hi there, I've managed to remove the leaking battery, clean up the mess and happy to report the Eton fired up ok. I will monitor it for a few days to ensure all is good. Thank goodness for that....could have been a disaster.

Thanks for watching.