Friday, 24 February 2017

Office DXing wtih Boni whip: Eton Satellit vs NooElec RTL-SDR: Reach Bey...

Hi there, although not really considered 'hard-core' DX, it still felt pretty cool to copy a signal from Australia on my laptop intially, with the RTL-SDR and then (as expected) a much better signal on the brilliant Eton Satellit - and all in a noisy office. Interestingly, the Bonito Boni Whip placed by a window manages to pull in this signal with pretty reasonable SNR considering the local environment, so I was pleased. I have to say, the Boni whip is proving to be a brilliant compact antenna to keep in the car with a 'mobile DXing' kit. Recorded in Oxford UK at 13:06 hrs UTC. Thanks for watching.

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