Thursday, 4 January 2018

Weak carrier from 4KZ Radio 5055 kHz North Queensland, copied at home in...

Hi there, I don't think it's possible to properly copy 4KZ or Ozy Radio at home - the maxiumu achieveable SNR isn't going to allow enough modulation to deliver recovered audio....but, you never know! I've been monitoring 5045 and 5055 kHz over the holidays and low and behold, a carrier appeared just below 5055 kHz on the 29th of December at 19:46 hrs. This totally stacks up with 4KZ which has been copied by DXers in closer proximity to the TX site on 5054.996/997 kHz. No audio, which sort of makes this recording a bit boring lol, but I wanted to share it anyway. The carrier makes an intial appearance 00:30 seconds into the recording and then another at 01:02. I'll keep listening and no doubt at some point, venture out to the woods to try again with a portable.

Recorded using a Perseus SDR and Wellbrook ALA1530 magnetic loop outdoors. Thanks for watching.

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