Tuesday, 24 January 2017

The Eton Satellit; is it any good? Moving on to ABC Northern Territories 2325 kHz...

Hi there, wonderful to copy a signal from Tennant Creek on ABC's lowest shortwave band frequency - and one for which the use of SYNC and SSB was appropriate, as a test of those functions and to maximise discernibility. The audio quality on SYNC doesn't seem as clear on the Eton as it does on the Sony ICF-2001D, but it does work, as does SSB. Having said that, a data set of one reception video using SYNC isn't statistically significant, so definitely more to come before my mind is made up. 

It's worth remembering that simply hearing ABC Northern Territories on 120 metres with this little Eton is amazing, given it's (unfair) reputation, thus I certainly wasn't expecting such great things from it! 

Recorded at the woods in Oxford UK on 22/01/17 at 18:56 hrs UTC using a 50 metre longwire. Thanks for watching.

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